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Does anyone have any idea what this could be, does it look like any STD or just some skin issue like normal skin irritation or an allergic breakout or something? Photos of the affected areas on my face: Chin, Nose/Upper Lip, Between Eyebrows. There is a small island at -0282,0059. that is extremely high up. I can only barely see it if I go to the Great Sky Island and start flying towards it, but any device I try to make breaks before I’m even close. It’s the same shape as the islands where you find the stone tablets, but it’s not one of them. Anyone know how to get here? I’m curious what’s up there and haven’t found anything online yet. To set the story I have a 4 1/2 year old orange tabby male cat named Murdock and a black female cat named Kitty. For starters, I have a type of foyemud room in my apartment as soon as you walk in big enough to maybe fit a medium sized round table with 3 chairs to say. Instead, my boyfriend has 2 fish tanks, a lizard tank and all of the cat stuff (litter boxes, food/water (toys are sprawled through the home lol). We’ve been here for about 2 years and Murdock has never had an issue with that room before. This Tuesday, my boyfriend emptied and refilled his fish tank and I believe a few fish got water shock or something and we lost a good amount of them (we still aren’t sure what happened, our other fish tank thrives and they were fine during this change, of course with conditioner). Now Murdock will not go into the room and seems to be afraid of the fish tank that had the casualties. As in he did not eat Thursday morning because his food was in the room and he peed on my side of the bed which he has never done. If I pick him up and carry him in there or show him the fish tank from the kitchen he will freak out and jump off of me and sprint away.
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